
There are almost 4 available versions of the xinput1_3.dll file description. Some of them include 32 bit 9.18.944.0, 64bit 9.18.779.0, 64bit 9.18.944.0 and 32bit 9.15.779.0. All these files are a description of the Microsoft Common Controller API. This package can help you fix the DLL error you are likely to experience in your system permanently.

Examples of the xinput1_3.dll error messages

The xinput1_3.dll error message displays on the screen in several ways. They often appear when launching online games or any other random app. The common ways in which the error messages may show up on your screen include;

  • “Xinput1_3.DLL Not Found”
  • “The file xinput1_3.dll is missing”
  • “Xinput1_3.dll not found. Reinstalling might help fix this”
  • “File xinput1_3.dll not found”

What causes xinput1_3.dll errors?

The primary reason why the xinput1_3.dll error message appears is when there is a problem with Microsoft DirectX. Xinput1_3.dll is one of the files present on the collection of the DirectX Software. The errors mostly show up when launching advanced graphics programs and Window based games since DirectX is used in running the applications. There are several ways of troubleshooting to help fix the problem.

How can I fix xinput1_3.dll errors?

It is never a good idea to download the xinput1_3.dll file from any site since there are excellent solutions to the problem. Some of the steps you can follow in correcting the error message include;

  • Restart your computer

Most problems have been caused by a slight lag in the computer programs which can be alleviated through a simple restart. Restarting your computer may fix the xinput1_3.dll error message if it was as a result of a fluke.

  • Latest Microsoft DirectX Installation

There are higher chances that the xinput1_3.dll error message can be solved by upgrading to the latest Microsoft Direct X version.

  • Look for a DirectX installation Program in the App

You can look for the DirectX file in the game folders since a copy of the DirectX may have been included by the software developers on the installation disc.

  • Reinstalling the problematic software

There may be files that were corrupted in the problematic software causing the error message to show up on your screen. A simple reinstall can help refresh all the files in the package and solve the problem.

  • Updating the video card drivers

The DirectX issue can also be corrected by updating the video card drivers in your computer. The xinput1_3.dll error message is common in video games and any other program that uses Microsoft DirectX in running the applications.