Msvcr100.dll missing

Msvcr100.dll missing

The Msvcr100.dll is a file of the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and is defined in the Microsoft C Runtime Library that was developed by the Microsoft Corporation. When the Msvcr100.dll is missing, some of the programs may not run efficiently. The error messages appear on your screen indicating that the launched application cannot be executed because the Msvcr100.dll was not found. When starting a program, it scans all the folders for the necessary files that allow it to run in your computer. You only get the error message if the Msvcr100.dll file is not available in the folders.

Some of the ways in which the Msvcr100.dll error messages appear include;

  • “Cannot find msvcr100.dll”
  • “Msvcr100.dll error loading”
  • “Msvcr100.dll could not be located”
  • “Msvcr100.dll is missing”

Most programs such as games use the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files to run on your computer. The Msvcr100.dll is required by applications that were programed with Visual C++. Other individuals have been successful I fixing the problem by copying the Visual C++ in the program’s or game folder. It is important to determine the various ways in which this error can be solved.

How can I fix the Msvcr100.dll missing error?

  • Download the Msvcr100.dll

You can download the Msvcr100.dll file from a trusted site such as the DLL-Files website. Scroll down the site and click on the links that will help you download the zip file. There are also other trusted websites such as ‘Fix4dll’ where the file can be downloaded. Choose the appropriate version for your system depending on whether you are operating on a 32-bit or 64-bit. Always choose the latest version to run on the updated packages.

  • Installation

After the download, unzip the file by double-clicking on it. It will be situated in the download folder unless a different download directory is specified. It will open using the built-in Windows support for zip files.

  • Extracting the file

Since you have used the default hard drive letter for Windows, you can extract the Msvcr100.dll file to the C:\Windows\System 32 folder. You can also copy the file to C:\Windows\SyWOW64 if you are running on the 64-bit Windows system. You will need a 64-bit Windows if you are copying the file to this section.

  • Reboot your computer

After extracting the file, restart your computer to refresh all the installed programs and background process in the system.

  • Launch the application

Now that you have the Msvcr100.dll file, you can launch the game or application that led to an error message for the second time.If it does not work, copy the Msvcr100.dll file to the installation folder of the game or application. i.e. (C:\Program Files (x86))