Bootstrap Jumbotron

In this section we will describe the jumbotron feature supported by bootstrap. The jumbotron are used for different purposes like if the user wants to increase the size of the heading or the user can also increase the margin of the page content.

Jumbotron can be used in bootstrap by using the class .jumbotron within the container <div> tag. If we are using <h1> heading along with jumbotron, the weight of the font will be reduced to 200px.

Consider the following example in which we have used jumbotron:


<! DOCTYPE html >

< html >

< head >

< title > Bootstrap Example </ title >

< link href = ” / bootstrap / css/ bootstrap. min. css ” rel = “stylesheet” >

< script src = “/ scripts / jquery. min. js ” >< /script >

< script src = ” / bootstrap / js / bootstrap. min. js ” ></ script >

< /head >

< body >

< div class = “container” >

< div class = “jumbotron” >

< h1 > WELCOME </ h1 >

< p > Jumbotron Example < /p >

< p >

< a class = “btn btn- primary btn- lg” role = “button” > For More </ a >

< /p >

</ div >

</ div >

</ body >

< /html >

The above code will generate the following result:



It can be seen in the above example that the heading is merged. If the jumbotron was not used with the heading then the heading will look like the following:


We can also have jumbotron without rounded corners and to adjusted to full screen by simply using the .jumbotron class outside the <div class = “container”>.

Consider the following example in which we have done this:


<! DOCTYPE html >

< html >

< head >

< title > Bootstrap Example </ title >

< link href = ” / bootstrap / css / bootstrap. min. css” rel = “stylesheet” >

< script src = ” /scripts / jquery. min. js ” >< / script >

< script src = “/ bootstrap / js/ bootstrap. min. js ” >< /script >

</ head >

< body >

< div class = “jumbotron” >

< div class = “container” >

< h1 > WELCOME < /h1 >

< p > Jumbotron Example < /p >

< p >

< a class = “btn btn- primary btn- lg” role = “button” > For More < /a >

< /p >

< /div >

</ div >

< /body >

</ html >

The above example will generate the following result:

